Tuesday, February 25, 2025
Books read in 2025: No. 7 -- The Road to Corlay
Monday, February 24, 2025
Beer of the Week: Iron City Beer
Beer score: 4.0
Company: Pittsburgh Brewing Company
ABV: 4.7
Been a looooong time since I've had one of these, and I have to say, it wasn't nearly as bad as I had remembered.
Pours a light yellow color, almost clear, with a faint scent of bread and perhaps fruit, possibly banana and/or citrus.
Goes down pretty smooth with a strong American-tasting bitterness that fades fairly quickly.
Nothing great, nothing awful, just a decent serviceable beer that can quench your thirst.
I'd think this one would make a good bar beer and go well at cookouts.
Saturday, February 22, 2025
2 more fantasy shorts available
State of Love and Enmity: a novella of high fantasy
Charnel Mouths and Sightless Eyes: a Sword & Sorcery short story
Monday, February 17, 2025
Beer of the Week: Belhaven Scottish Ale
Beer score: 6.1
Company: Belhaven Brewery
ABV: 5.0
IBU: 21
This is a strong, sweet and sturdy ale brewed in Scotland. This beer is so sweet that the ranking score I gave it would probably be higher if it weren't so sweet.
But then again, Scottish ales tend to be strong, sweet and sturdy, as well as dark colored.
This one pours a dark brown color with tinges of red, all while giving off smells of dark fruit, butter, and caramel. The taste is much the same, though even more so.
This beer isn't for everyone, but it's a fine beer and worth trying. If you enjoy Scottish ales in general, you should love this one.
Monday, February 10, 2025
Beer of the Week Blast from the Past: Highfalls India Pale Ale
Beer score: 5.4
This IPA didn't have the overpowering sour taste common to some IPAs. However, it did have too much carbonation. The taste was slightly sweet and a tad syrupy, almost like a weak Scottish Ale.
Books read in 2025: No. 6 -- Imaro
Monday, February 03, 2025
Beer of the Week: Schlitz Malt Liquor
Beer score: 0.7
Company: Pabst
ABV: 5.9
So I go a few weeks without tasting any beer, and then all I can get my hands on is this stuff.
Sometimes life ain't fair.
Anyway, it's wet ... and that's about the only good thing that can be said about it (okay, okay, it'll get you drunk, too, if that's what you're looking for).
Pours a light orange color while giving off smells of sweet, cheap alcohol. Hardly any taste here other than a little sweetness on the way down. Not a lot of fizz, though.
At least it's cheap.