Friday, January 01, 2010

New Year's resolutions

Well, happy new year!

Now that that's out of the way, what am I going to do with myself this year? What are my resolutions?

Frankly, most of them are not about writing.

I need a job, so my family can have some stability. That's numero uno.

Number two? I need to take care of my health. I have high blood pressure and a history of heart problems, and lately I had another scare. So, health has got to be my focus once more.

But what about my writing? I met nearly all the goals I set for myself at the start of last year, so I need more goals for the new year.

But I don't. Not really. I have some short stories I want to write, but other than that, I'm kind of open at the moment. I do have a hundred or so ideas for novels, but which one to go after next?

Instead of hardcore goals, I'll stick to some more simple ones this year. I'll finish the few short stories I've got planned, then I'll probably get into another novel. But which one? Not sure yet. I'll wait and see.

Last year I had a novel I just had to get written, from an emotional viewpoint. I did it. It's done and being looked at by some literary agents at the moment.

But this year I don't have a novel inside me screaming to get out. I have a bunch that want to be written, need to be written, but none that can't sit on the back burner for a while.

Also, I've kind of spread myself out as far as what genre I'm writing. I've done a fantasy trilogy and a literary novel, so to some extent I'm waiting a little longer to see what kind of responses I get from those before deciding what novel to tackle next. It might be another fantasy. It might be another literary novel. It might be horror, or something else entirely different.

But I've got some time. I've got at least 4 short stories that need to be written. I'll finish those over the next couple of months, then I can start work on whatever novel I want. In a way, it feels pretty liberating.

1 comment:

  1. I hope the health issues are improving, or at least addressed, buddy. I want to be bouncing ideas off you for the next 40 years!

    Got a 40+k novella in you this year?
