Friday, March 23, 2018

Books read in 2018: No. 18 -- Under the Dome

by Stephen King

Started: March 6
Finished: March 23

Notes: I've read most of King's works, but there's a half dozen or so of his books I've yet to get to. It doesn't help that he seems to churn out another book or five every year. Anyway, now it's time for this long novel.

Mini review: A small town is trapped behind a gigantic dome that comes out of nowhere. While this was probably the best King book I've read of the last decade or so, I had some issues with it. The writing is good, King in top form, so fans of his will enjoy this one. However, this book is soooo King, practically absurdly so, almost as if someone set out to write a spoof of King that would include nearly every cliche of the author's style and characters. Or maybe I've just read too much King over the decades. Either way, still a good book and I can suggest it for fans of the author. Another nitpick I had was that I've grown tired of the everybody-in-a-small-town-has-secrets plot lines that King has used more than a few times, and here it has grown to gigantic portions.

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