Monday, July 22, 2024

Beer of the Week: Stone Imperial Stout

Beer score: 6.5

Company: Stone Brewing
ABV: 10.5
IBU: 45

Formerly known as "Stone Imperial Russian Stout," this is a really sweet stout. Has the strong, burnt caramel taste of a decent stout. Pours a really dark color, so much so you can't really see through it. Gives off a smokey scent when poured.

The recipe for this one probably changes every so often, perhaps even every year or so, but I'm not sure. I've had this beer a half dozen times over the last couple of decades and it's taste, smell, and texture are pretty similar each time I've had it, but there are subtle differences. Maybe the brewer makes a new limited batch each year.

A pretty high alcohol content for a beer means this one can get you loopy rather quickly, so I suggest sipping and not guzzling. I mean, unless your main goal is to get drunk. In that case, have at it!

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