Thursday, December 26, 2024

Books read in 2024: No. 51 -- The Kite Runner

by Khaled Hosseini

Started: Dec. 16
Finished: Dec. 26

Notes: I'm need of some fiction, so I thought I'd check out this novel. To tell the truth, I know little about this book, book it seems to have been calling to me as I run into it every time I visit a book store. Maybe marketing works, or maybe the universe is telling me I should read this one. I hope the universe didn't make a mistake.

Mini review: An Afghani boy in the 1970s experiences some awful events and eventually is forced to flee his homeland to America. Years later, in the early 2000s, the boy is now a man and finds himself having to return to Afghanistan to go on a quest of sorts. I'm barely touching the plot of this novel because I don't want to give too much away in case you reading this decide to read the book. I will say, I did not care much for the first half of this novel. It is written well enough, but a tale of a non-American youth who lives through terrible times and then comes to America and does well has been written enough times to practically be cliche. I know I've read it, or something similar, in plenty of other novels. That being said, a little more than halfway through this novel there is a single, short scene that suddenly changes everything for the protagonist, and the rest of the novel is worth taking the time to read. So, yes, I can recommend, but I would suggest some patience.

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