Monday, January 20, 2025

Beer of the Week Blast from the Past: Blue Ridge ESB Red Ale

Beer score: 6.0

Another week without trying any new beers, but I have notes from beers I drank years ago.

This one was originally made by the Frederick Brewing Co, but then it was bought out by the Flying Dog Brewery. Eventually it ended up with the Wild Goose Brewery. So, with all that jumping around, this one did not make the cut and is no longer with us.

A shame, because this wasn't a bad beer.

It was a style of beer known as "bitter" in England. In taste and texture this one was similar to many "red" beers, popular in the late '90s, though this one was better than the average mass-produced red ale.

Not a great beer, really nothing special, but it wasn't bad.

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