Monday, November 02, 2009

I'm being productive, I promise!

So, my blogging has dropped off of late. And I've not had many short stories published of late. In fact, I'm quite low on the number of short stories I still have that have not been published.

So what in the heck have I been doing, writing wise?

Quite a bit, actually.

Not too long ago I had to put together two different proposals for two different publishing houses. Haven't heard from either of them yet, but hopefully something will come through.

I've also just finished the second edit of a novel. I have one more edit to do, the quick-read edit, then I can begin circulating it to publishers, agents and possibly universities (this is a literary/mainstream novel).

All three books of my Kobalos trilogy are now available for the Kindle and at Smashwords.

Also, I've been working on something that I'm not going to talk much about just yet. It's something finished and something I'll be self-publishing online, but I'm waiting for Amazon to get their butt's in gear before I announce anything

See? I've been doing stuff.

1 comment: said...

Wow, that's pretty much productive. =) There are times when inspiration seems not to dawn when we want to write. But at the very least, when inspiration dawns in, we make up for every day that we have procrastinated. After all, we owe it to our readers, to our fans, to ourselves. Cheers for being productive! Keep on writing and we wish you the best in your writing career.
