Friday, June 18, 2010

Kindle formatting help available for online authors

If you're a self-published author or an author, editor or publisher looking to add your works onto Amazon's Kindle book store, you will likely soon realize you've got a big job ahead of you. Simply uploading digital files for books onto Amazon's Digital Text Platform site is fairly easy, but making sure your book looks right isn't so easy.

And I'm too lazy to go into the details to help you.

Thank all that's holy there is someone who is willing to help. Writer Natasha Fondren is blogging an online series about formatting books for the Kindle. As of right now there are three parts to this series, but I'm sure more will be coming. Below are links directly to the first three sections of the series:

Kindle Formatting for Novels I

Kindle Formatting for Novels II

Kindle Formatting for Novels III

Again, more is likely to come, so stay tuned.

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