Monday, October 11, 2010

Bayne's Climb revealed

My major project of late, my novella Bayne's Climb, has been written at 40,000 words. Now it's onto the editing and proofing.

But the cover was pretty much wrapped up today. The e-book novella won't be out until December of this year (God willing), but I thought I'd go ahead and give a sneak peek.

No, here and now I won't go into details about the story, other than to say it's an experimental piece in which I try to mix tropes of epic fantasy and sword and sorcery with some literary writing. Will it work? I don't know. I'm sure readers will let me know.

Until then, take a gander at that cover. 
I kind of like it. What's everybody think?


Anonymous said...

I really like the layout, photo, colors, and typeface. Very Tolkien. My only suggestion would be to play with the title text design a bit, maybe try it without the embossing.

Charles Gramlich said...

I do like it. Nice and clean.

Scathach Publishing said...

I really liked it. Simplistic and non-traditional.

Did you get my email, by any chance?

Anonymous said...

This is what 4 blooming email accounts does to you. I got your email, I'll send it to you now. I've already sent it, but I don't know who to. Hmm...