Finished: January 22
Amazon link: Wicked
Notes: My other half picked up this book a couple of years ago, and I've been meaning to read it as it's supposed to be a sort of re-telling of the first Oz story from the Wicked Witch's point of view. I often find fascinating classic tale re-told from another perspective, so I'm thinking this one should be interesting. Also, the author has grown in popularity over the last 15 or so years, and I always enjoy reading and studying the works of authors with whom I'm unfamiliar.
Mini review: A good book, but not a great one. I was somewhat disappointed because with all the fanfare that's been made of this novel and it's author, I expected something more. Still, not a bad book. I thought the ending was a bit rushed. Also, for those with interests in Oz literature, this is quite the adult novel, so don't expect the sweet little Oz from the movie and earlier literature. Here there's sex (though not explicit), politics, theology, philosophy, civil rights, etc. I was actually hoping for the more simple, childlike Oz, but that's not to be found here.
I finally read the first OZ book by L. Frank Baum a few years back. Man it was godawful. Horribly written.
Charles, I'm right there with you. I read it a dozen or so years back and saw no reason to read any of the many other books in the series. Couldn't stand it.
I still think the 1939 movie's a classic, however.
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