Wednesday, June 29, 2011

100 sites for fiction writers: #23 - Writer Beware

This is an ongoing series looking at websites that can be of help to fiction writers with their craft and career.

Writer Beware

Technically speaking, Writer Beware is not a website in and of itself. What it is is a watchdog organization that lets writers and others know about scams and scam artist. Sometimes the scams exposed are a vague, general sort of thing that's going on in the industry, but most often the scams are pinpointed to certain individuals or groups.

But if one is worried about scams, how can you know to even trust the folks behind Writer Beware? Well, for one thing, this organization is backed by the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America association. Writer Beware is also currently headed up by novelist A.C. Crispin, who also looks into writer-related schemes and scams at her blog.

What can Writer Beware do for you as a fiction writer?

Well, for one thing it can simply make you aware of current scams by offering Alerts for Writers. There is also extensive information explaining how Independent Editors and Independent Electronic Publishers work, and what to watch for if you believe one such service might be trying to pull a fast one on you. You can also learn about Literary Agents and Contests, and various things to look for when dealing with agents and awards.

If you need to learn the basics concerning Copyright law, that information is also available.

If you find yourself in a bind, thinking you might need an attorney and/or legal advice, Writer Beware tells you where to go for Legal Recourse. There is also a Recommended Reading section to help smarten you up as a fiction writer.

Protect yourself, be smart, and check out Writer Beware.


Charles Gramlich said...

I've had a couple of friends report abuses to Writer Beware and get good responses/

Anonymous said...

I apologize. I just posted my experience here but I got the wrong site. It was "Preditors and Editors" not "Writer Beware" that I had the problem with. Thanks.