Thursday, October 13, 2011

100 sites for fiction writers: #67 - Guerrilla Wordfare

This is an ongoing series looking at websites that can be of help to fiction writers with their craft and career.

Guerrilla Wordfare

Lizzy Ford is a busy author. Not only is she a paranormal romance and young adult novelist, but she also has a full-time job, travels often and is in charge of the Guerrilla Wordfare site. One of her secrets to success is she has a strong team behind her, made up of editor Christine LaPort, graphic artist Dafeenah, translator Toni, and IT and SEO guru Matt.

But if you think Guerrilla Wordfare is just another author's site to promote books, you would be wrong. Guerrilla Wordfare is more, much more.

Hardly a day goes by in which I don't hear some digital author or beginning writer bemoan the fact that promoting one's writing is a lot of work. Admittedly, it can be a lot of work, but it doesn't have to be. Want proof? Go check out Guerrilla Wordfare.

Lizzy Ford's site almost daily offers helpful tips for utilizing social networking sites like Twitter and Facebook to their fullest extent, and with only a small investment of time. SEO guru Matt provides plenty of advice about creating an online presence that draws in potential readers and fans, while Lizzy Ford herself posts about writing-and-reading related matters.

Of course you might want to check out Lizzy Ford's e-books to see how an independent author can succeed, or you could discover other Great Indie eBooks and authors. If you would like a free e-book, look no further than Lizzy Ford's paranormal romance novel, Katie's Hellion. There are also Product Reviews about technical issues concerning e-books and blogs, just to help those who might need it.

In my opinion, Guerrilla Wordfare is becoming one of the most helpful sites to those beginning their journey as a digital author and publisher. So writers, pay attention.

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