Tuesday, December 06, 2011

Books read in 2011: No 56 - Old Man's War

by John Scalzi

Started: December 6
Finished: December 9

Notes: For some time I've been meaning to read this military sci-fi novel. I've read other works by Scalzi and enjoyed them, but somehow had missed this novel, his best-known work.

Mini review: A damn fine book. Scalzi at his finest. Any military sci-fi fans should read this, and even those who aren't big into the genre should love this novel. It's well written without being difficult to read, emotional with plenty of action to keep the interest high. The ending I found a little bittersweet, but then I've read novels later in the series, so I know how some things turn out later down the road.


Charles Gramlich said...

I've heard good things about it.

Adventuresfantastic said...

I enjoyed it a great deal. I haven't gotten to the sequels yet but intend to.