Sunday, September 09, 2012

Mage Hunter, Part III now available for Kindle

For those interested in my Mage Hunter serial fiction, the third episode is now available for the Kindle.

And if you are wondering why this series is not available elsewhere as of yet, which had been my original plan, it is because certain online publishing sites, mainly Smashwords, do not allow for serialized fiction. So, I'll have to wait until the series is complete before uploading an omnibus edition for my non-Kindle readers.

Only two more episodes to go!


Charles Gramlich said...

I didn't realize smashwords didn't do serial fiction.

Ty said...

Charles, it's a weird, funny thing. Technically Smashwords will not do serial fiction, and they have refused to publish any of my serial fiction, but when I look over their site I have found quite a few serialized stories. I contacted Smashwords about this a week or so ago, but have yet to receive a reply. I've also contacted a few of the writers of these serialized tales, me asking them how they "got around" the Smashwords rules, but I've either received no response or I've been told the authors do not utilize Smashwords, at least not very much.

Kind of weird. But I'll play by the rules because I don't want my Smashwords account deleted. Still, it seems to me some writers have found a way around the rules and Smashwords hasn't really looked into it (not that I can blame them with the hundreds of thousands of e-books they have).