Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Beer of the Week: Olde Frothingslosh

Beer score: 2.6

Company: Pittsburgh Brewing Company

ABV: 4.7

This is a joke beer. No, really. Apparently this beer started as a joke on a radio show back in the 1950s. The joke apparently focused around fat women, and there's always a picture of a fat woman on the can, and just for kicks, the can's style changes every few years.

Anyway, this stuff tastes like a sweetened version of Bud Light without as much beer flavor. It's a novelty item and nothing more. The can's label calls this drink a "pale stale ale," and that's about right.

As this is put out by the same folks who brew Iron City, there's probably a decent chance this is just Iron City repackaged in the joke cans.

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