Thursday, December 09, 2021

Books read in 2021: No. 44 -- The Piranhas

by Harold Robbins

Started: Dec. 2
Finished: Dec. 9

Notes: As a kid, I was surrounded by Harold Robbins novels. My step-dad at the time had been a huge fan of Robbins, reading all the author's works. However, I never touched any of those books even though I read voraciously at that age (and still do, I suppose). Robbins' works had held no interest for me in my young years. Mobsters and sex and Hollywood starlets had not been my thing. But now that I'm older, I thought I should at least give Robbins a try.

Mini review: Not bad. A young man who has family ties to the mafia tries to stay clear of the family business while becoming a millionaire at the top of a corporation. Of course he can't always stay clear of the family business, and that's where the action comes in. In many ways this is a story about the love of a young man for his family, specifically his uncle. I might give Harold Robbins another try at some point.

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