Friday, May 24, 2024

Books read in 2024: No. 24 -- Poison

by Ed McBain

Started: May 19
Finished: May 24

Notes: So much of my reading so far this year has been rather heavy, and most of it non-fiction, so I felt the need for something just for fun. And yes, reading about poison and murder and cops is fun for me, at least when it comes from Ed McBain, one of my favorite authors.

Mini review: It was such a pleasure to simply read something for fun once more. In this one, a young woman's lovers are killed off one by one, usually by poison, and a detective becomes romantically involved with her, putting himself in the crosshairs of the killer. This one was mainly a straight-up mystery, one of the more straight forward of the 87th Precinct novels, but that was fine with me. It also featured as the main character one detective Hal Willis, who is usually a secondary or minor character within this series, so it was nice to see that.

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