Monday, June 24, 2024

Beer of the Week: Dos Equis Amber Lager

Beer score: 4.2

Company: Dos Equis
ABV: 4.7
IBU: 23

Sometimes this one is referred to as "Dos Equis Amber Lager" and sometimes it's called "Dos Equis Ambar Especial," but either way, it's the same beer.

This one pours darker than most beers from Mexico, and it's a little more hardy and less fizzy.

An odd mix of Mexican beer texture with a little bit of European taste thrown in. The flavor is mostly bready but includes a little touch of spiciness, though I wouldn't call this a "hot" or "peppery" beer. There's also a little bit of lime and maybe caramel in the taste.

Not a great beer, but also not an awful one. I wouldn't turn one down if handed to me, unless maybe there were better beers available.

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