Saturday, July 06, 2024

Books read in 2024: No. 29 -- Allan Quatermain

by H. Rider Haggard

Started: June 23
Finished: July 6

Notes: I've not read a lot of Haggard, but what little I have read has been fun and adventurous. Also, though I'm familiar with the Allan Quatermain character, I've never read any of Haggard's novels about his fictional hero. So, here goes.

Mini review: So my first Quatermain novel turns out to be the last one in a series, but that's okay as I had no problem following along with the story. The writing here reminded me more than a little of Robert E. Howard's tales of Africa, though Howard tends to be darker and to have more action than this particular novel did. The plot? An older Quatermain, in his 60s, sets out from England with some friends to enter the depths of Africa in search of a race of people. Why are the adventurers doing this? For something to do. While they appreciate returning to England for rest between their adventures, they long to return to wilds. During their journey their is a fair amount of action, though personally I would have liked more. The only parts of the novel for which I did not care were the occasional lengthy descriptions of a discovered region, these descriptions lacking in descriptive details but full of emotional details, a trend not uncommon to many a 19th-Century novel. Will I read more of Quatermain? Perhaps. I won't be jumping out to find all the other books in the series, but if I ran across some in a used bookstore I would probably snag them.

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