Monday, August 12, 2024

A new Kron Darkbow Trilogy

It's been a while since I've published anything, and it's been 10 years (man, that's hard to believe) since I've published anything involving my epic fantasy Kron Darkbow character (and his crew of friends and foes), but the time has finally come.

Allow me to introduce ...

The Unwilling God Trilogy

Book I: The Broken Swordsman
Kron Darkbow is a warrior shattered by grief. With the love of his life trapped in an eternal sleep, Kron teeters on the brink of despair. As he struggles to find a reason to continue, dark forces converge on the city of Bond, threatening everything and everyone he holds dear. Can Kron rise above his sorrow to defend his home, or will he be consumed by it?

Book II: The Reluctant Witch
Althurna, a witch with immense power, embarks on a perilous journey to save the man she loves, with Kron steadfastly by her side. Together, they venture into treacherous mountains where an ancient enemy lies in wait. This malevolent force thrives on inflicting pain, and Althurna must summon every ounce of her courage and strength to confront it. Will love and determination be enough to triumph over such evil?

Book III: The Unwilling God
Randall Tendbones harbors a profound secret—he is the living god Ashal, concealed among mortals for years. Now, Randall and Kron find themselves in the heart of a despotic nation that worships Ashal without knowing his true identity. As conspiracies unfold and danger looms, Randall's divine secret threatens to unravel. When the truth comes to light, the repercussions will be earth-shattering. Can Randall and Kron survive the chaos that ensues?

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