Wednesday, August 07, 2024

Books read in 2024: No. 33 -- Cloud Atlas

by David Mitchell

Started: July 19
Finished: August 7

Notes: I was drawn to this novel because I had heard good things about it and because my understanding is it a mix of speculative genres, from science fiction to pseudo-historical fiction, apocalyptic fiction, and more. So, I'm interested in seeing how the author handles this mixture. I have not seen the movie which was released more than a decade ago, but I do recall their being some grumblings from the Christian right about the movie and the book, though I don't remember the details and this does not deter me. Maybe I'll find joy with a new book and an author who is new to me.

Mini review: The prose here is strong and the overall structure of this book is interesting, but in the end I was left feeling this was a book that is supposed to be intellectually deep while I actually found it rather facile. This is not so much a novel as it is a collection of vaguely-connected vignettes. Part of the point is that some of the characters (or at least one of the characters) in these vignettes are actually the same individual reincarnated over time, the vignettes covering a period from the 19th Century to some future time periods. Again, the prose is strong enough, plus the characters are interesting as are the plots of each vignette, but just when I would become interested in one character or plot, then that section of the book would end and make the jump to the next tale. Rather infuriating for me, actually. Also, I'm not really sure why a group of Christians would find offense here. Yes, this book does not promote a Christian point of view, and it does question somewhat the use of religion in the growth of imperialism during the 19th Century, but after all, this is a work of fiction. Besides, this book also paints some Christians in a good light, in my opinion.

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