Thursday, August 29, 2024

Books read in 2024: No. 40 -- The Revelation of Saint John the Divine

published by Zondervan

Started: August 25
Finished: August 29

Notes: I was traveling recently and didn't have with me the novel I had been reading, but I did have access to a Holy Bible. So, at a point where I was seeking something to read, I decided it was time I got to this last book of the Bible, one of the most interesting books but also one that is probably often misunderstood (not that I'm claiming to understand it myself).

Mini review: As interesting as I've always found this book, and I do enjoy studying it, I have to admit I feel the words here are so cryptic and steeped in imagery that there's little to truth to be found for most individuals. Oh, of course there are those who will say they know the truth, and I suppose it's not impossible some few do, but I'll admit to being a skeptic towards anyone who proclaims they understand the word of God while the rest of us are simply left out in the cold. For instance, while I realize there are people today who will say we are living in the last days, the truth is people have been saying that for thousands of years. What is the truth? I don't have an answer, not a good one. Yes, I have my own thoughts, but they change from time to time. Anyway, I'm glad to have read this book again, and I'm glad to finally have read every word of the Bible and not just portions I've studied over the years.

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