Monday, September 16, 2024

Beer of the Week: Curmudgeon

Beer score: 7.4

Company: Founders Brewing Company
ABV: 9.8
IBU: 50

This one had been retired in the past, but I found it back on the market recently, which is awesome.

And it's definitely something different after I've been sipping pale ales and amber ales the last few days.

The bitterness hits you right up front, but it's not too much to handle. The strong, burnt molasses smell quickly translates into a strong, burnt molasses flavor that takes a sip or two to become familiar with, but it's quite enjoyable once you know what to expect.

A touch of caramel is in the flavoring, with lots of malty sweetness.

Yes, I can recommend this beer, but it's not for novices, and I'm not sure it's something I'd want to drink regularly. Still, it's different, and it would be great for special occasions or when you want to serve something unusual to a beer-snob friend.

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