Monday, October 21, 2024

Beer of the Week: Yuengling Flight

Beer score: 3.0

Company: Yuengling
ABV: 4.2
IBU: 7

Pours a very light golden color, which is what you might expect from most light beers, which this is. Has plenty of head, which is not unusual for a light beer, yet there's not a lot of carbonation in the drinking here. In fact, this beer is almost flat.

The smell is weak. Maybe a little grassy, maybe a little yeasty, but not much.

The taste is also pretty weak, though not awful. Somewhat very and fairly smooth, but any flavor is almost nonexistent. Perhaps a little bread-like taste, but otherwise it tastes like a cheap light beer but without the usual carbonation.

Meh, nothing here excites me, but if you're looking for a smooth light beer, you could do worse.

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