Thursday, June 13, 2024

Books read in 2024: No. 25 -- End of Watch

by Stephen King

Started: May 24
Finished: June 13

Notes: I just finished an  Ed McBain novel, and for some reason of recent years I've been reading one of his novels right around the time I read a King book. Strange. The two authors have different styles and write in different genres, but I suppose both have some similar themes. Anyway, I'm glad to be getting to this King novel because it is the final book in a trilogy of which I've read the first two novels, Mr. Mercedes and Finders Keepers.

Mini review: This was not one of my favorite King books. In fact, it's one of my least favorite. The plot was fine, the characters were great, the beginning is decent and the ending was just right, but the middle? Man, there were easily 300 pages that were just boring to me. It seemed every little move the good guys or bad guys made was covered in extreme detail, to the point of frustration for me as a reader. Once I get what's going on, I don't feel a need for a bunch of flackbacks to flesh out details, and I don't feel a need to follow every little step taken along what's basically an investigation. But it's the end of a trilogy, one which included characters I've come to enjoy, so there is a feeling of completion.

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