Saturday, June 15, 2024

Books read in 2024: No. 26 -- The Epistle to the Hebrews

published by Zondervan

Started: June 14
Finished: June 15

Notes: By tradition, the apostle Paul wrote this letter, though the book here doesn't actually say that. So, though I've read this before, I'll be doing so again with an interest in comparing it to the other letters allegedly written by Paul.

Mini review: It's difficult to believe the author of this letter is the same as that whom wrote the other Pauline letters. The other letters are somewhat more colloquial, often dealing not only with spiritual matters but some practical ones. Except for an extremely short few verses at the end of this letter, this one is entirely devoted to the spiritual, explaining to Hebrews various Christian beliefs and comparing Christ and Christianity to earlier Jewish thought.

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