Friday, July 19, 2024

Books read in 2024: No. 32 -- The Witcher: The Time of Contempt

by Andrzej Sapkowski

Started: July 7
Finished: July 19

Notes: I've not read enough fantasy this years, so now I turn to this. Also, yes, I've seen The Witcher television program and generally enjoyed it, so I'm interested and somewhat excited to enter these pages.

Mini review: This was an interesting read, an somewhat unusual, at least for an English reader. When this novel was good, it was really good, but there were also a few somewhat long stretches that seemed bogged down with long conversations that had little point. Also, in a few places it was obvious this work had been translated from another language, in this case Polish. The plot seemed to ramble about and jump time and space with little reason, but this wasn't all bad. There really wasn't a climax here, making this book seem more like the middle of a series, which I suppose it is being the second of The Witcher books. Compared to the television show, I felt the TV show cut back on many of the less adventurous parts but still kept with the overall story. Would I read more from this series and this author? Possibly. I can't say I'll be jumping at the chance, but I might consider it at some point.

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