Wednesday, July 17, 2024

I don't have a credit score

Yet one more thing screwed up about this country (the U.S.) ...

Looking into building a house, and found out today I don't have a credit score. My vehicles are paid for. I don't have a bankruptcy. Haven't had a credit card in 20 years. All my bills have been paid on time for years and years. I don't owe anyone money except the occasional medical bill which I almost always pay in full at the time.

So, without a credit score, I can't get a loan ... even though I have no debt and have regular income.

Oh, there are options. I can get some credit cards, drive up some debt, then pay into them. I can report my utility bills to the credit reporting agencies. I can get some small loans and then pay them monthly, but not pay them off because that would defeat the purpose.

Basically, as far as I'm concerned, I'm being told I have to be bonded to the master. Credit is basically another (not-so) micro transaction on life.

Frankly, in my opinion. this is bull. I'm tired of corporations trying to own us ... indefinitely.

And I don't want to hear about how the Republicans or the Democrats or whomever politically are to blame. We are to blame for allowing this to happen to us.

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