Monday, August 19, 2024

Beer of the Week Blast from the Past: Celis Pale Ale

Beer score: 7.0

Over the years there has been more than one Celis Brewery, and more than one Celis Pale Ale, but the beer I write about here was originally brewed in Austin, Texas, but later bought out by the Michigan Brewing Company, which is also now out of business.

So, this particular Celis Pale Ale was supposed to be a Belgian-style pale ale. It tasted a bit like a regular pale ale and an IP mixed because it had just a touch of the fruity sourness common to many an IPA. Too much carbonation, in my opinion, but just barely.

Light enough so those with good taste in beer could enjoy regularly, but probably too strong for non-beer snobs.

It is a shame this beer and its brewery are no longer in business, because this was a fine beer and the Celis Brewery of Austin turned out more quality drinks

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