Books, beer and barbarians

Home to fantasy author Ty Johnston

Monday, January 13, 2025

Beer of the Week Blast from the Past: Isosceles

Beer score: 3.1

The Gluek Brewing Company of Cold Springs, Minnesota, made this brew when I first tried it in the late '90s, but I tried it again later when the company became the Cold Springs Brewing Company. My notes remind me a portion of the proceeds went to AIDS and breast cancer research, so while this wasn't an extraordinary brew, at least you could feel good that you were drinking for a good cause.

Anyway, this beer is not longer with us, which makes sense because it was a light beer that tasted like any other premium, mass-marketed light beer. Though maybe there was a little extra sweetness thrown in.

Books read in 2025: No. 3 -- Born to Exile

by Phyllis Eisenstein

Started: Jan. 9
Finished: Jan. 13

Notes: This 1978 fantasy novel was apparently the author's first, but for the life of me I can't remember why I picked up this book in the first place. I must have had something that drew me to it, so I suppose I'll give it a go. Anyway, 1970s fantasy fiction is often some of my favorite from the genre, so I'll see here.

Mini review: Over all, this one was pretty good. A young minstrel who knows nothing of his lineage travels and has adventures in a number of locales before finally discovering the truth about his past. There's not much action here, for those who enjoy such, but the tale is told well enough and is interesting. The main downfall here, in my opinion, was the ending. There's not really much of an ending. It just sort of ... ends, though it does offer possibilities for further adventures by the protagonist. There is a sequel, so perhaps I'll have to search it out.

Thursday, January 09, 2025

Books read in 2025: No. 2 -- Fool Moon

by Jim Butcher

Started: Jan. 2
Finished: Jan. 8

Notes: I just finished my first Dresden Files novel and mostly enjoyed it, so I thought I'd give another a try.

Mini review: As one might expect from the title, in this one Harry Dresden faces off with some werewolves, and it's a right bloody mess! In a good way. I think I enjoyed this one more than I did that first Dresden novel, so I'll have to read some more of these in the future, which works out well since there's already another waiting in my to-be-read stacks, though I might take a break for a while so as to not burn myself out.

Monday, January 06, 2025

Beer of the Week: Lindeman's Kriek Lambic

Beer score: 9.8

Company: Lindemans
ABV: 3.5
IBU: 18

I decided to start the new year off with a great beer, and this old favorite was a solid choice.

Made with fresh cherry juice, this Belgian brew tastes more like a fine fruity seltzer than it does a beer.

It pours a smooth ruby color, and you can definitely smell and taste the cherry here. Most of the cherry flavoring here is sweet, but there is also a little tartness, perhaps even hints of sourness.

Usually quite pricey, but worth the cost for special occasions and for when you want something truly different. One of the more unique beers, you haven't lived until you've at least tried this stuff.

It is kind of odd, though, that one of the best of beers doesn't really taste like a beer, and I'm not someone who usually enjoys fruity drinks.

Thursday, January 02, 2025

Books read in 2024: No. 53, Books read in 2025: No. 1 -- Storm Front

by Jim Butcher

Started: Dec. 28, 2024
Finished: Jan. 1, 2025

Notes: I've read next to no speculative fiction this past year, and definitely little fantasy, so I'm going to correct that in coming weeks and months. Though I've not read any of Butcher's Dresden Files books, it's almost impossible to be a fantasy enthusiast and not having heard at least a little about them. Anyway, I was gifted a few of these books a while back, and I thought it time I dropped myself into one, this one apparently being the first of the series.

Mini review: A wizard in the modern world works as a private investigator and finds himself facing off against a new foe while ancient powers threaten. This one wasn't bad at all. Not the greatest I've ever read, but definitely worth my time. If you're a fan of John Constantine, and/or maybe even the TV show Supernatural, you might enjoy this one.

Monday, December 30, 2024

Beer of the Week: Ayinger Brauweisse

Beer score: 6.3

Company: Ayinger
ABV: 5.1
IBU: 13

Pours a slight golden color with a bit of cloudiness. Has a nice frothy head.

Has a bit of lemon zest and possibly banana in the smell, and there's some of that in the taste as well. Also has a soured fruity flavor that is tolerable, but it builds the more you drink until, after a few tastes, that sourness is really too much. Still, not a bad beer. Very smooth and light, making these easy to drink more than one.

Saturday, December 28, 2024

Books read in 2024: No. 52 -- Like Love

by Ed McBain

Started: Dec 26
Finished: Dec. 28

Notes: I'm in need of what I think of as "popcorn" fiction, so I'm returning to one of my old favorites, Ed McBain's 87th Precinct series.

Mini review: When is a suicide not a suicide? When it's a homicide, or course! Or is it? Those are the questions the gang of the 87th Precinct has to focus on in this novel. Another great read from McBain, perhaps even one of my favorites.