Monday, November 25, 2024

Beer of the Week: OMB Copper Altbier

Beer score: 6.8

Company: Olde Mecklenburg Brewery
ABV: 4.9
IBU: 29

First off, you'll notice the bottle version of this beer has a rather unusual but handy pull top for opening. Neat.

Into a clear glass, it pours a smooth brown color, basically an amber not uncommon to German-style amber ales. While being poured, it gives off scents of bread and malt with perhaps a touch of sweetness and caramel.

There's not any of that sweetness in the tasting however, though you're left with a fairly smooth nutty bitterness with some hints of burnt toffee.

This is a quality beer. If you enjoy German ales, you should love this one. The only reason this beer did not score higher for me is that this isn't one of my favorites type of beer. Maybe that's petty, but I feel it's telling the truth. Though believe me, I wouldn't turn one of these down.

Tuesday, November 19, 2024

Books read in 2024: No. 47 -- Deadwood

by Pete Dexter

Started: Nov. 6
Finished: Nov. 19

Notes: To be clear, no, this novel has nothing to do with the television show of the same name, though obviously it is based upon the same time period, region, and probably some of the events and real-life characters. That being said, I know that history fairly well, so I'm looking forward to this author's take on it.

Mini review: An interesting novel, almost literary but not quite. There's not a lot of action here, in case you might be expecting some Old West shoot-em-outs, but there is some little violence from time to time, though much of it happens "off screen." Most of the notable historical figures of the time and place are present, as well as some minor figures. The main character is Charlie Utter, and though the murder of Bill Hickock is a main part of this tale, it's not the culmination but almost a beginning. The last half of this book is mostly Charlie's experiences with other people and how the death of Hickock affected them, and how the man's death affected the town of Deadwood. However, Hickock's murder isn't the only event that brings about conflict and story. Ultimately, I got the impression this novel was supposed to be somewhat humorous, but the truth is, I find it mostly sad, many of the characters seeming to have sad or sometimes even awful fates. I wouldn't call this a great novel, but it's not a bad one, and it's definitely an interesting one, probably more for writers than for historical buffs of the Old West.

Monday, November 18, 2024

Beer of the Week: Blue Moon Light Citrus Wheat

Beer score: 7.2

Company: Blue Moon Brewing
ABV: 4.0
IBU: 10

One of the best light beers I've had the pleasure to taste.

Pours a slightly cloudy, pale yellow color with a foamy head. Gives off scents of citrus and what.

Perhaps a little carbonation here, but far less than most light beers.

The texture in your mouth is smooth and not harsh, like some light beers, but also perhaps a little thin. The flavor is mostly a light orange with a touch of wheat, but there's not a lot of sweetness here, nor is there an abundance of bitterness.

Those seeking a solid drinking experience might not appreciate this beer, but for those who are counting calories, I'm telling you this is one of the best light beers on the market. It really does come off as a lighter version of the Blue Moon Belgian White, and that's not a bad thing.

Monday, November 11, 2024

Beer of the Week: Keystone Premium

Beer score: 2.0

Company: Coors
ABV: 4.4

There are those who will say Keystone beer and Keystone Premium beer are the exact same beer. Maybe they are, but I know over the decades I've seen both labels, and I've tried both, and at least to my taste buds they are slightly different from one another. Though I suppose it's also possible the Keystone people have changed their recipe from time to time. So, there might be some confusion. Are Keystone and Keystone Premium the same beer? I don't know for sure. But I know I tasted a drink out of a can labeled "Keystone Premium" this past week, and here are my thoughts.

First off, the word "premium" in beer language must mean "chape and tasteless" because so many mediocre and bad brews have that word on their label. This beer is no different.

It's wet and easy on the throat, I'll give it that, and it's vaguely reminiscent of Pabst Blue Ribbon.

Mostly it tastes like the aluminum can it comes out of, with vague hints of grain and maybe corn. The smell is about the same.

There are plenty of better beers out there.

Wednesday, November 06, 2024

Books read in 2024: No. 46 -- Son of A Wanted Man

by Louis L'Amour

Started: Oct. 27
Finished: Nov. 6

Notes: I was traveling recently, and while I brought a book with me for reading, I didn't plan on finishing that book so soon. So, on the road without a read, I had to drop into the Back Again Bookshop in Myrtle Beach, SC, my favorite little used book store in that region. And since I was in the mood to read westerns and had just finished one L'Amour novel, I thought I'd snag another one. This one is about a young man who has been groomed by a powerful crime boss to take over the business, but the young man has to decide whether he wants to become a criminal in the Old West or to become a law-abiding citizen. Guess I'll find out.

Mini review: I didn't enjoy this one as much as the last L'Amour novel I read. The plot was good, about a young man raised to be an outlaw though he didn't really want to be one, and the characters were interesting enough. But the story was a bit slow, in my opinion, and the action lacking at least until the end, and even then some of the action was off screen, not something I prefer.

Monday, November 04, 2024

Beer of the Week Blast from the Past: Wychwood Brewery Old Devil Beer

Beer score: 7.3

It having just been Halloween, I thought I'd hunt up a brew from the Wychwood Brewery folks of Oxfordshire. Unfortunately, I couldn't find any where I live, so I pulled out some notes from one of the Wychwood beers that's no longer with us.

This one had an amber ale quality with a touch of sweetness. Not an overly strong beer, so it could be enjoyed in large quantities. Had a bit of lemon and tea in the smell and taste, but not enough to destroy the beer flavor. Somewhat thin in the texture, but there are worse things.

Had an interesting label of a devil in a cemetery using a pitchfork to stab and angel.