Friday, September 28, 2007

Philosophical ramblings not about writing

Let's start at the beginning ... I have a part-time job Just this week, my classification as an employee changed. I'm still a part-timer, but now I'm a permanent part-timer instead of a temporary part-timer. Basically, it doesn't mean jack squat for me except a bunch of paperwork to fill out for HR and our building security. So, more than anything, it was just a bunch of corporate bull I had to put up with. And one of the reasons I like being a part-timer is so I don't have to deal with that garbage. Go figure.

Anyway, now that my status has changed at work, I was approached about helping the guild, possibly even becoming a member. It was done quietly, but the attitude I was given was sort of "Of course you will want to join!"

And after I thought about it for 20 seconds, I realized I did NOT want to join. And I didn't.

I have nothing against unions or any organized labor. In fact, I back them politically. But I believe they are much, much weaker than they were 30 years ago, and much of that I blame on themselves (but not all of it).

However, I am skeptical of ANYTHING organized by human beings. Religion. Government. Corporations. Grocery store lines. They tend to become bigger than themselves, thus trampling on individuals. Even corporations have legal rights equal to, if not more powerful than, that of individuals. I don't believe in that. Humans on an individual basis are generally pretty good folk all around. Get them to group together, though, and I'd more trust my skin with a pack of wolves. Because if you're not completely about whatever that particular group is pushing, they will screw you eventually. Doesn't matter what kind of organization it is.

Sorry, if you disagree. Sorry if I sound overly pessimistic. I speak only from experience and historical knowledge.

Also, another reason I didn't join the union is ... I didn't feel I needed to. Call it hubris, maybe. But I've never felt like I needed to join organized labor to improve my own situation. I have been homeless once in my life. Once I had only 15 cents in my pocket and nowhere to go. But I still never felt like I needed help with getting, keeping or improving upon my job.

To another point, while philosophically I do tend to believe strongly in individual rights, I also recognize there are times and places where the individual has to be put aside for the betterment of the whole. I get that. Sometimes it is necessary. But it seems to me the line has already been pushed too far the other way.

I'm overly simplifying all this, of course. I mean, it's a blog, not a philosophical paper.

Seacrest out.

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