Saturday, December 18, 2021

Books read in 2021: No. 47 -- City Problems

by Steve Goble

Started: Dec. 16
Finished: Dec. 18

Notes: As I'm reading detective fiction of late, I thought it high time I read my friend Steve's latest novel, that of a detective in Ohio, Steve's first not pirating mystery book.

Mini review: If Ed McBain and Waylon Jennings had had a love child, it would have been this novel. With maybe Stephen King as godfather. A rural detective has help from an urban officer who is investigating a case of a missing teenage girl, and going through the potential suspects is no easy task. The ending is more touching than many a mystery novel, and it definitely leaves room for sequels. To say more would be to give away more, and that I won't do. However, I would like to add, yeah, I'm pretty sure Hank DID do it this way. Now it's time to go enjoy some Knob Creek.

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