Sunday, April 23, 2023

Books read in 2023: No. 14 -- California: A Novel

by Edan Lepucki

Started: April 14
Finished: April 23

Notes: I don't remember why I placed it there, but for some time this novel has been on my list of books I want to read. I suppose something drew it to my attention, and perhaps by reading it I will remember why. Or maybe not. Either way, hopefully I'll enjoy this one (as I always hope when reading, of course).

Mini review: This was a damn good novel. In fact, it is possibly the best novel I've read this year, other than the ending which I felt just petered out. It's not quite a post-apocalyptic novel, but sort of a pre-apocalyptic novel. In a near-future where climate change has made major differences throughout the world, society and governments are failing. In all this mess, a 20-something couple flees Los Angeles and heads into the woods to survive. After being in the wilds a couple of years, they discover others living not so far away in an encampment of sorts. I'll stop there. I'll just say, this novel has plenty of surprises. Also, for those who usually enjoy post-apocalyptic novels, there's not any action here. The violence and such that happens is almost entirely off screen, so to speak. Still, this is quite the novel. Also, "California" is not only part of the locale of this tale, but it's also the nickname of one of the main characters.

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