Saturday, October 16, 2010

SEVER, SLICE and STAB officially released

Just in time for Halloween ...
Yes, I'm making it official as of this blog posting. My collection of 20 horror short stories, SEVER, SLICE and STAB, is now available in all digital formats.

If you use a Kindle, the e-book is available here.

If you've got a Nook, you'll want to go here.

Kindle users in the UK, will want to look here.

For all other formats, check out Smashwords.

And a word of warning here: This e-book collects 18 stories from three previous, shorter e-books. One was titled SEVER, another titled SLICE, and a third titled STAB. Get it? Also, I included two new stories in SEVER, SLICE and STAB because I felt any readers of the previous e-books deserved something new.


Charles Gramlich said...

It arrived on my kindle moments ago.

Ty said...

Thanks, Charles. Any errors, gaffs, screw-ups, feel free to pass them my way and I'll do what needs done.

That's one of the great things about digital publishing, you can go back and fix stuff without it costing an arm and a leg. Hopefully, however, there are not a lot of mistakes to be found.