Monday, July 31, 2023

Beer of the Week: Cerveza Caguama

Beer score: 3.9

Company: Cerveceria La Constancia S.A.
ABV: 4.5

When pouring, this El Salvador beer gives off a pale yellow color but has plenty of foamy head. For better or worse, it gives off plenty of corn scent and perhaps a little bread or cereal.

The taste is fairly bland with a touch of corn, cereal, and some slight skunkiness.

This drink isn't awful and is quite reminiscent of Corona, Tequiza, and other Central and South American brews. This one might be a little wetter than the others, though. It comes with a goodly amount of carbonation, but not too much to hurt until you're near the end of the drink.

I found it to go well with beans and peppers.

The bottle has a story on the back that, in short, a "caguama" is a powerful turtle prized by villagers of Central America as a symbol of good luck. There's even a drawing of a turtle on the bottle.

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